Thursday 28 November 2013


Most people enjoy eating fruit, but many health authorities recommend eating fruits as part of a balanced and healthy diet.  However, I find fruit it is not needed at all, and it is not a healthful food today for most people.

Fruit is mainly sugar and water with a low level of vital minerals.  The potassium it contains is often some what toxic and the balance of its minerals in not correct for most people.  Fructose is a harmful sugar that puts on weight, and fruit is much too yin for regular use.  The article discusses the controversial topic of fruit-eating.
The following are reasons why many health authorities suggest eating fruit and these may include
Fruit is a whole, natural foods.
Fruit contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, natural sugars and other nutrients.
 Fruit is convenient, easy to eat, and tasty.

Fruit is one of the most yin foods one can eat.  In the Macrobiotic conception of yin and yang, fruit is an extremely yin food.  Yin refers to certain qualities such as cold, expanded, and sweet-tasting or sugary.  Fruit also grows above ground and often up in the air, another quality associated with yin and I guess we can name some of them ourselves.
Fruit upsets the blood sugar level and causes excessive insulin release. A research made indicate that, the higher sugar content of almost all fruit causes this reaction.  This adds stress to the body, can cause weight gain or impair weight loss, and cause other imbalances deep inside the cells.
Many people are unaware of the high sugar content of most fruit.  It can be extremely high, especially with fruit juices, dried fruit or fruit that is packed or dipped in sugar.  These are even worse than eating fresh fruit.

Fruit-eating often contributes to yeast overgrowth.  Most people, even those who do not eat much fruit, already have an overgrowth of intestinal yeast such as candida albicans and others.  This is due to toxic metal poisoning, and especially copper imbalance.  Other mineral imbalances may also contribute, as does overeating on carbohydrate foods.


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